
20 mar 2012

Emoticones japoneses simples Japanese Smileys

Emoticones japoneses simples, ligeros y óptimos que pesan muy poquito...

(^_^)/ Hi!
( ^^) smile
(^^)(^^ )(^ )( )( )( ^)( ^^)(^^) turn by smiling
(^O^) Being glad!
^)_(^ smiley oldman
(>_<") Ouch!
(';') a baby
(~o~) a yawn
(;^_^ be in a cold sweat
<^_^; - embarrassed, scratching one's head
( ;^^)
(;^_^A with a handkerchief
(/--)/ Oh no!
(/_;)/ Why?
(-)_(-) ET
d=(^o^)=b yeah
v(^o^) victory
(;_;) cry and sob
(TOT) (T^T) endure by crying
(;_;)( ;_)( ;)( )(; )(_; )(;_;)(T-T) turn by crying
(-.-)y- smoke a cigarette
(;_; )( ;_;) no no, I don't want (shake his head)
(T.T )( T.T)
((+_+)) ummmmh
(-_^) wink
(-_-) zzz...
(-.-) zzz
(+.+)(-.-)(_ _) ..zzZZ I can't stand any more to be awake…
o(^o^)o being cheerful
(`O`) sing a song
(..)(^^)(^¡^)(*^o^) I'm very glad!
(--)(__) yes yes(nodding)
( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)
(@_@) What???
(~^~) I'm proud
('_') silence...
m(._.)m Bow his thanks politely
m(_ _)m
<(_ _)>
( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)
o(^-^o)(o^-^)o o(^-^o)(o^-^)o dancing
q(^-^q)(p^-^)p q(^-^q)(p^-^)p q(^-^q)(p^-^)p
('-') a small glad
(^_^)/~~ bye~~
((((((^_^;) leave sneakingly
...((((( ((;^^)
(*_*) no goodÅ (dameda...)
_(++)/ It isn't good at all...
(^0_0^) a face with glasses
(^_^X) yakuza(japanese mafia)
( ..) look down below
(>_< )( >_<) no no
( ^_^)(^_^ ) good friends (nakayoshi)
p(^^)q fight!
e(^ ^)g
(`_') glare at you
( --)//~ being frustrated
( ^)(^-^) kiss!
( ^3^)/
o(^^o) (o^^o) (o^^)o I'm very pleased!
('' )( '') look around restlessly but curiously
)))))))))))(^^;)/ being startled(a surpris when someone ask you somethiing that you don't want to be asked)
(*_*) without emotions
(@o@) feel dizzy
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ ) turn and feel dizzy
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(@_@)
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(^_^)¸ o^)
(^_^)( ^_)( ^)( )(^ )(_^ )(^_^)
(^-^)g good!
d(-_^) good!!
(/_;) I'm sad
(_ _,)/~~ I'm beaten / you win/ hold a white flag
(^_^;)))))) hide oneself secretly
<(-_-)> ))) walk like a crab
p(._.) it's here
<+ ))))><< a fish
<+ )))><<
<+ ))><<
{{ (>_<) }} It's cold
(--)/~~~ punishment
o(><;)(;><)o strugle/wriggle
(^O^)g stone---the game of stone-paper-scissors
(^O^)y scissors---the game of stone-paper-scissors
(^O^)W paper---the game of stone-paper-scissors
........ ( ..) dejectedly
{[(-_-)(-_-)]} sleep together
(T.T ) ( T.T) help me~~
(* ^)(*^-^*) kiss
(^( )
(*^3^)/ (^3^)/
(^^)/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(((((;^^) I catch you!
(^_^)-c<^_^;) I catch you by pinching

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(-^o^-) (^_-) (#^_^#) (ÖoÖ) (*^o^*) (>_<) ( ̄へ ̄)(;_・) (ô_Ó) (O_O) (ˇ~ˇ) (ToT)(Q____Q) ಠ_ಠ (。◕‿◕) [(--)]ZZzzz

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